
Spectromancer online only
Spectromancer online only


There is a progression of leagues for the player to ascend, with new abilities being given along the way. Each league consists of 8 rounds against AI opponents, while other matches between AI opponents are simulated to generate a ranking for the player at the end of 8 rounds. Tournament Game - Players move through several leagues of AI controlled opponents.Both online and hotseat multiplayer are supported. Duel Game - Allows for one-on-one duels between 2 players, or with an AI.Thunder Mage - Specializes in Air Magic.Storm Mage - Specializes in Water Magic.Necromancer - Specializes in Death Magic.At any given point, you have several available choices of who to fight next, under differing conditions and for differing rewards: some grant new spells, some extra hit points or additional starting mana, some give.


Battle Mage - Specializes in Fire Magic Spectromancer ‘s single-player campaign consists of a series of maps with assorted enemies on them.Creatures have independent life and attack ratings. If a creature is placed on a slot without an enemy creature next to it, the creature will damage the opponent. If a creature is placed next to a creature of the opposing side, it will attack that creature. There are 5 creature slots on each side of the battlefield. In addition to casting spells, creatures can be summoned to help in battle. 6 star only helps to charge her special attack faster and improve her base stats. I would say get her to SS rank and 5 star. I have bke as my mech dps so I was wondering if sd was worth it before I invest in her any further:) Global. Using a card drains the caster of the number of levels that the card is rated as in the associated element. Was wondering if anyone out there using danzai spectromancer finds her good. Players gain a level in each element at the start of their turn, and are given a starting bonus to one element based on the specialization they choose at the beginning of a match. Cards can only be used if the player using it is of a high enough level with the corresponding element. The 5 elements the game uses are Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Death. Download Spectromancer HD and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Each card has an elemental level associated with it. Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Spectromancer HD. The object of the game is to reduce your opponent's life points to 0. Players start a match with a random set of cards, and 50 life points. This idea has been iterated upon in the game's sequel, Spectromancer. The game does not feature any deck customization, but attempts to offset the random element this introduces by having players choose specializations at the start of a match. Three of them were later ordered to attack the Mysticons and stop them from escaping, but were stopped due to Citrine Goldenbraid firing several orbs at them, providing a smoke screen.Astral Tournament is a card game where mages duel each other using spells and summoned creatures.


They appear to assisting their "Queen and Star Mistress" to carry out a master plan for her to enact her full revenge against the Mysticons, from outside the Star Chamber. Their next order is to use the ancient starfire ink to enable Proxima to create her very own Codex of evil magic, which is a darker and more powerful version of its counterpart, which is now completely powerless, due to Necrafa draining it dry of its magic. Spectromancers are, in fact, all of the strongest and most skilled top-level Astromancers easily overpowered by a vengefully ruthless and dejected Proxima Starfall, who demonstrated more of her greater and darker Astromancer magic by using their own star orbs against them and turning them back onto them all an ability that turned all into her mindless, masked minions, to follow her orders she walks on her new path of vengeance :

Spectromancer online only